NuDance Festival

The annual New York Family Arts Festival brings together hundreds of families to witness and interact with dozens of artists celebrating the cultures of multiple countries.
Launched in 1999 to address an acute need for family oriented, multicultural, and affordable summer arts programming in our neighborhood, the Festival will take place during the month of June. The Festival includes arts from various disciplines-dance, music, drama, and visual arts-presenting the traditions of various cultures found in West Harlem and other New York City neighborhoods!
Far from the typical "spectator" event, the interactive nature of The Family Arts Festival works to expand your knowledge of other cultures. The artists share traditions that make them unique and are the foundation of who they are and where they come from. The level of participation by the attendees promotes the exchange of artistic traditions and the opportunity to further explore the familiar and unfamiliar. The three main components are an outdoor opening day fair including arts & crafts, performers, and vendors; an afternoon tribute to family-focused organizations with performances and a creation of a cultural village featuring performances, artisans, food, and workshops for an up-close, hands on hands on experience of diverse cultures.
New York Family Arts Festival
www.harlemaa.orgThe annual New York Family Arts Festival brings together hundreds of families to witness and interact with dozens of artists from a diverse range of cultures.
Launched in 1999 to address an acute need for family oriented, multicultural, and affordable summer arts programming in our neighborhood, the Festival takes place during the month of June each summer. The Festival includes arts from all disciplines-dance, music, drama, and visual arts-and celebrates the traditions of the many cultures of New York City.

Far from the typical "spectator" event, the interactive nature of The Family Arts Festival works to break down barriers that separate. The artists share traditions that make them unique and are the foundation of who they are and where they come from. The level of participation by the attendees promotes the exchange of artistic traditions and the opportunity to explore the unfamiliar, giving people a new understanding of the other. The three main components are an outdoor opening day street fair including arts & crafts, performers, and vendors on Broadway; an afternoon tribute to family-focused organizations with performances and an awards ceremony; and day long cultural villages featuring performances, artisans, food, and workshops for an up-close and hands on hands on approach to bridging diverse cultures.
Dr. Glory Youth Theatre Program
Conducted by Dr. Glory Van Scott, who, for 30 years, has been a theatre educator, author, producer, dancer and playwright, the Youth theatre Program is designed to give youths an intense and definitive study in theatre. Upon its success the program was expanded to a year round program to provide students a more in-depth training into the theatre arts.
The theatre program consists of two sessions, January through June and a fall/winter session September through December. Children receive professional training in drama/dance and vocal music and participate in three productions annually. The age range encompasses 12-18 year olds.
The next free performance is Sunday December 8, 2013
The Harlem Arts Alliance
The Harlem Arts Alliance is a network based arts service organization comprised of established and emerging visual and performing artists, art lovers, businesses and organizations that serve the arts and culture community in Harlem and the Greater New York City area with nearly 1,000-members. On the first Monday of each month, members of HAA meet in the Riverside Theatre.